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The Civil Service in Ahlan

The Civil Service in Ahlan

Ahlan World gives you the chance to carry out your Civil Service (Servizio Civile) in our branches located in Cairo, Alexandria of Egypt, Amman and Rabat.
Our offer changes depending on the destination you choose. If you are interested in administration and management, Jordan and Morocco will be the best options for you. Conversely, if you are interested in teaching and fostering Italian language and culture, Egypt is waiting for you.
Working for us is an opportunity not to be missed. Ahlan World is not just about working, but it is also an opportunity for personal growth and understanding of a different cultural and social sphere.

 Civil service

The Civil Service

The National Civil Service (Servizio Civile Nazionale) was created according to law no. 64, passed March 2001 by the Italian Parliament. Since the 1st of January 2005, applications are received on a volunteer basis.

The Civil Service offers the possibility for people aged from 18 to 28 years old to spend a period of their life committing themselves for solidarity purposes, cultural discovery, and on-the-job training. Furthermore, it is an opportunity for experiencing the concept of active citizenship, which is a powerful tool for promoting peace dialogue and integration. Your training will contribute in increasing social, cultural and economic development of both your country and third ones.

Once you decide to carry out your Civil Service abroad, you will be surrounded by a different culture, but one which is nonetheless fascinating and interesting. This experience will widen your point of view and will allow you to know thousands of lifestyle possibilities around the world that you had not thought about before.

Thanks to both our dedicated partnerships with Universities and reliable organizations, and the recognition by The Italian Department for youth and National Civil Service (Dipartimento della Gioventù e del Servizio Civile Nazionale), it will be possible for you to ask for the recognition of your ECTS at University.

Eligibility criteria

Excluding servicepersons of the army and police, the application for the Civil Service is allowed to all Italian citizens aged between 18 and 28 years old at the closing date of the selection. They must fulfil these requirements:

  • Be an Italian citizen;
  • Be a citizen of one the UE country members;
  • Be a Non EU citizen legally staying;
  • Not showing any definitive or pending criminal convictions greater than one year for non-culpable crime (i.e. Custodial sentence – even if lower – for crimes against persons or concerning illegal possession, use, carrying, transport, import or export of guns or explosives material as well as membership, facilitation to subversive, terroristic, and organized criminal groups).

The requirements have to be fulfilled at the closing date of the application and, excluding the age criteria, up to the end of the Civil Service.

civil service

Who CAN NOT particpate

People are not eligible if:

  • Currently or previously participating in the Civil Services as volounteers according to law no. 64, 2001 or people who have suspended their civil service prior to the foreseen ending date.
  • They are employees or collaborators – having any paid relationships – with the institution or company in charge of carrying out the project; they have had paid relationship exceeding the duration of three months in the preceding year of the application.



The duration period both in Italy and abroad is 12 months and is not repeatable. The weekly working hours have to be not fewer than 30 hours per week or, alternatively, may be distributed for a total of 1400 hours, not fewer, during the year.

The first month of the Civil Service will be focused on training activities which – even for projects abroad – has to be carried out in Italy. This traing period is aimed at showing and explaining values, particularities and activities of the project as well as of the Civil Service.

Civil service

Civil service


Ahlan World is pleased to offer a full-time internship program at our language centers. Each center has its own approach to the program, but interns usually assist school staff with various aspects of administration and programming, learning about how a language school operates and teaching foreign languages along the way.

The internship financial aid requires interns to work 40 hours per week. In exchange for the work done, interns will be offered a monthly Arabic course at the school (MSA or dialect), discounts on additional classes, accommodation in the country and a transfer from the airport on arrival.